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PUT Screen


The PUT Screen Form API allows you to update an existing form screen.

Enables scenarios where 3rd party systems can make edits/changes to forms for whatever reason. Everything from form name, description, fields, etc...can be edited and updated using this API.

The API has many properties that can be updated, proportional to the number of fields used in each screen. The more fields the form has, the more properties to be updated through the API.

On the Cloud, this API is available via SSL-secured HTTPS connection using the REST PUT verb.
The format query string parameter controls the desired response format.  Specify either XML or JSON.


You may use either JSON or XML formats in your PUT request.
You indicate this by setting the ContentType HTTP header as "application/json" or "application/xml".

If no ContentType is specified, XML format is assumed.

All XML formatted requests must specify the following XML namespace in the XML body root element:


The required parameters for a PUT request to the Screen API are outlined below. 

IdStringThe unique identifier of the Form to update (GUID).

CompanyIdIntegerYour unique Company Id found on the Company Setup page of the secure website.

IntegrationKey StringYour unique Integration Key found on the Company Setup page of the secure website.


The Form's title used for all default display to app users.

DescriptionStringThe Form's description.

The External identifier of the form to update.

IconStringThe Form's icon to display.

VersionIntegerThe version of the screen to update when using ExternalId.

StatusStringThe status of the screen to update when using ExternalId.

The desired status after updating the Form.

The full design for this Form.

SettingsArray[FormScreenSettings]The settings for this Form.

The connectors for this Form.

String['OnlyFields', 'FullDesign']


Given that the API is REST-based, you can access the API directly via your web browser to test or by using Postman API Platform.

Request URL

PUT 443/api/v2/screen/form

Request Body

  "Name": "App - Updated through API - TEST",
  "Description": "This app can be deleted.",
  "ExternalId": "",
  "Icon": "",
  "Version": 1,
  "Status": "",
  "ChangeStatusTo": "",
  "DesignFormat": "",
  "CompanyId": 6XXXX,

Response Body

  "FormScreen": {
    "Name": "App - Updated through API - TEST",
    "Description": "This app can be deleted.",
    "ExternalId": "",
    "Icon": "",
    "Version": 1,
    "Status": "Published",
    "Fields": [
        "Name": "page1",
        "Type": "Group"
        "Name": "selectitem",
        "Title": "Select Item to delete",
        "Type": "SelectMulti",
        "Parent": "page1"
        "Name": "table",
        "Type": "RepeatGroup",
        "Parent": "page1"
        "Name": "tablezz1",
        "Title": "tablezz1",
        "Type": "SelectOne",
        "Parent": "table"
        "Name": "ds_testing",
        "Type": "SelectOne",
        "Parent": "table"
        "Name": "ID",
        "Title": "ID",
        "Type": "Text",
        "Parent": "table"
        "Name": "Item",
        "Title": "Item",
        "Type": "Text",
        "Parent": "table"
        "Name": "ds_testing_id",
        "Title": "ds_testing_id",
        "Type": "Hidden",
        "Parent": "table"
    "Settings": {
      "PageNamesTab": {
        "BackgroundColor": "#BBBBBB",
        "SelectedBackgroundColor": "#0072C6",
        "Style": {
          "Color": "#FFFFFF",
          "Decor": "normal",
          "Size": "Medium"
      "ImageResizeTo": "800",
      "LogUserLocation": true,
      "HistoryDays": 14,
      "HideSplash": true,
      "DisplayOrder": 1,
      "HtmlTemplateText": "",
      "OutputTemplate": "ClassicGray"
    "Connectors": [],
    "DesignFormat": "OnlyFields",
    "CompanyId": 6XXXX

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